Reports may contain:
Phone Numbers
Workplace & Career
Email Addresses
Business Records
Residence History
Assets & Properties
Family Members & Associates
Vehicle Registrations
Marriages & Divorces
Judgments & Liens
Full Relative Summary
Debt Records
Criminal Records & DUIs
Sex Offenses
People Reports - 1 Week
UNLIMITED access to people reports (billed weekly)
People Reports - 1 Month
UNLIMITED access to people reports (billed monthly)
100% secure and anonymous
Free cancellation, no hidden fees
Frequently Asked Questions
How does the billing work? +
You are billed at the time of purchase and your access to view full reports is granted instantly. Names and Facts will charge the recurring membership fee to the same payment method you use today until you decide that you no longer require our data services and cancel. Your membership will automatically renew every month unless you cancel before the start of the next billing period.
Why isn't this free? +
While we do our own research to find public data on the internet there are some sources that require us to pay for the additional information that we get from them in order to compile the most in-depth report on the search subject. Since we have to pay for the information we provide free reports would put us out of business. We do, however, provide everything we can for free besides the full background reports.
How is my report delivered? +
After signing up, you can instantly view your report online. You will also have the option to download a PDF or print the report.
What comes in my report? +
Full background reports contain names, dates of birth, associated names, nicknames, phone numbers, email addresses, residence history, relatives, friends and associates, marital status, business records, workplace and salary information, assets and properties, vehicle registrations, government license information, weapon permits, court records, criminal records and DUIs, sex offenses, judgments, liens, foreclosures, debt records, and mugshots whenever available. A subscription with Names and Facts allows you to obtain access to full background reports during your subscription period.